Sponsors & Contributors

Acknowledging Our Valued Sponsors and Contributors

The Kokomo Symphonic Society extends its heartfelt appreciation to the businesses and the community for their unwavering support. Through your generous contributions, sponsorships and program book advertising, you have played a pivotal role in ensuring the continued success of the Kokomo Symphony Orchestra and its exceptional symphonic performances.

Support the KSO: Make a Contribution Today!

Grant Funders

The Kokomo Symphonic Society (KSS) would like to gratefully acknowledge the following organizations for their grant awards to the Kokomo Symphonic Society, whose support has been instrumental in our ability to bring symphony concerts to our community:
Additionally, we express our gratitude to the organizations that have provided in-kind advertising and other forms of support to our organization:

Our Sponsors:

Our Program & Website Advertisers:

Support Levels

Thank you to our generous contributors!

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all of our donors for their contributions. Their commitment to the arts and the KSO is a testament to their belief in the power of music to inspire and enrich our lives. If you’d like to pledge, please visit our Sustaining Membership Drive page.